Earlier this week, Singapore Airlines launched its non-stop Singapore San Francisco flight, shaving a few hours off their total flight time between the Silicon Plateau of Bangalore (BLR) and the Silicon Valley served by San Francisco (SFO).
The San Francisco Bangalore route is one of the most lucrative for the airlines. Even an airline not renowned for their service, Air India, is experiencing extremely high passenger load factors on its Bangalore New Delhi San Francisco flight. Airlines compete for this lucrative business, and one of the features they offer is a quicker trip which includes a shorter transit time at their hub city.
Bangalore Aviation has produced a matrix showing the shortest total trip times between the two cities. Onward from Bangalore to San Francisco the winner is Emirates with a trip duration of 21 hours and 55 minutes. On the return Air India will bring you from San Francisco to Bangalore in 20 hours and 25 minutes. Air India pips Abu Dhabi based Etihad Airways with a total round trip time of 42 hours and 45 minutes compared to 43 hours and 30 minutes. However the US Immigration pre-clearance facility at Abu Dhabi should save Etihad passengers a few minutes on arrival at San Francisco.