Today’s episode features Boeing heavy aircraft at Bengaluru International Airport, Bangalore.
Three freighters — Lufthansa Cargo MD-11F, Singapore Airlines Cargo Boeing 744F MegaArk, AeroLogic Boeing 777F and a British Airways Boeing 747-400 heavily loaded with a full load of passengers, their baggage, and tanks full of fuel for its 11 hour flight to London Heathrow.
Observe the steep climb angle of the MD-11F which has the best climb angle of any modern jetliner. See a table of climb angles for Boeing aircraft. Also do observe the wings. Dropping at the start of takeoff, flexed at liftoff.
There is some commentary from fellow spotters. Next time, the video will be more stable as I am learning on how to use the tripod. In the mean time, enjoy the sights and sounds.
As usual, comments are welcome. Praise preferred but brickbats will also help improve.