National carrier Qatar Airways, today commences daily non-stop flights between Nagpur and Doha.
QR 588 departs Doha at 19:55 arrives Nagpur at 02:15 the next morning
QR 589 departs Nagpur at 03:45 arrives Doha at 05:55 the same day
The flight is estimated to be a little over four hours in duration. The schedule like most of the airline’s flights to India, connects with the banks of US and Europe flights arriving into Doha in the early evening and the outbound US and Europe flights which depart Doha in the early to mid morning.
The Nagpur flight will be operated by a narrow body A320 with 144 seats in a two class configuration with 12 business class seats and 132 economy seats.
Nagpur is third largest city in the Indian state of Maharashtra and has been identified as one of the flagship smart metropolises by the Government of India.
With this flight Qatar Airways goes back above the century mark, from 95 to 102 weekly flights across 13 cities in India.