Air Asia India’s fourth Airbus A320 named “The Pioneer” which bears bears a special livery commemorating JRD Tata, who is known as the ‘Father of Indian Aviation’, was welcomed on it’s arrival to Kempegowda International Airport, Bengalore with the traditional water cannon salute by two Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) trucks.
The aircraft is registered VT-JRT, and is a seven year old Airbus A320 having been delivered to parent company Air Asia in March 2008.

Hi, I think it’d be awesome if you guys did an analysis of the April 2014-March 2015 Indian airport traffic report recently released by AAI. Lots of awesome surprises! DEL reaches 41m (putting it as one of the top 30 globally). BOM saturated before the expansion is even done (the capacity after expansion should put it at 40m; it’s already at 37m!). BLR makes history and for the first time becomes India’s third busiest airport (always used to be MAA before) with a whopping 15m! HYD’s absolutely juggernaut growth putting it literally right underneath CCU for the first time ever (and most likely surpassing CCU next year). Would love to see Bangalore Aviation’s analysis of these numbers and what you guys think is the reason for all of them (especially the 20% growth at BOTH BLR and HYD; seriously, what’s up with that?!).
Would have been nice to also post a pic of the special livery