The 2014 of the Farnborough air show kicks off later today with all the big names in aviation showcasing the best they have to offer. The Bangalore Aviation team were at the show today and will kick off our show coverage with these pre-show pictures.

We were also invited onto the first Boeing 787-9 made (ZB001), the airplane is in full flight test configuration with various stations inside the aircraft.

Also being pushed into it’s display spot was one of the new Sukhoi Superjet 100’s due to be delivered to Russian airline UT Air. Is that nose similar to the 787s which surround it? You are the judge. Share your thoughts via a comment.

The last few participants were arriving at the show today, we saw the A380 land at the show under some dramatic skies. The A350 XWB which was performing fly pasts at the Le Bourget airport in Paris, came in about 30 minutes after we left. But not to worry, we will bring you more photos from the show through the days.

We will be posting from the show in the upcoming days, so please subscribe to get updates as we post them.