New Delhi based SpiceJet has a practice of naming it’s Boeing 737 aircraft after the various spices. Below is a list of the ship registrations along with their names. It appears VT-SPE is one of the only aircraft with no name given.

Boeing 737-800
VT-SPD Chilli
VT-SPE no name
VT-SPF Coriander
VT-SPH Saffron
VT-SPK Fennel
VT-SPL Cardamom
VT-SPM Pepper
VT-SPP Rosemary
VT-SPQ Basil
VT-SPR Thyme
VT-SPS Mustard
VT-SPW Cinnamon
VT-SGE Tamarind

VT-SPT Clove
VT-SPU Anise
VT-SGB Oregano
VT-SGC Fenugreek
VT-SGD Sesame
For more information on the aircraft visit the PlaneSpotters database.
SpiceJet is due to induct another 11 Boeing 737-800 aircraft over the next three years. Please suggest some more spice names via a comment.
All images are my copyright.
I have seen one more named Celery which one is not included in the list. The list may be updated.