A heart-warming and amazing experience occurred over this week which highlights the power and reach of blogging.
On February 4th, I wrote an article about my friend, Marcel Hungerbuehler, taking over as CEO of BIAL, the company which operates the Bengaluru International Airport. In that article was a picture of Marcel.
Two days ago, I received a comment from a lady, Marja, in the Netherlands, addressed to Marcel, wondering if he was the same person she met 40 years ago in Nijmegen.
Hello Marcel Hungerbuehler,
Are you the same Marcel from Zurich 40 years ago? I am Marja from Holland. We were walking in 1968 in Nijmegen and on a holiday together with Joke and Edi. Please contact me.
I forwarded the comment to Marcel for his perusal, instead of posting it.
Marcel responded back to me that he indeed did recognise Marja. His words sum up it best.
Thanks a lot for the mail. What a surprise that I should find a friend from Holland after almost 40years through your blog, that’s amazing! I was walking a 4-day march in the Netherlands with this lady back in 1967 and then we spent a holiday together in Switzerland the year after.
Blogging generally, and Bangalore Aviation in particular, is an effort of personal passion. I am reasonably certain that helping these two friends re-unite after 40 years, would not be have possible through the mainstream media.
What is your opinion? Please post your comment. Remember this story began with a “comment”.